Pregnancy Support Services
Getting Young Mothers On The Path To Health And Success
Giving You Hope For A Brighter Future
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Green County is here to empower you to make an informed decision about your health and future. We provide hope and encouragement along with practical support programs and help you overcome the challenges associated with the decision you make! We assist you in getting complete medical support and healthcare services, as well as mentoring related to parenting, baby care, and life skills.
Ongoing Mentoring And Quality Referrals
We are here to help meet the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of young, expecting mothers during both the prenatal and postnatal pregnancy phases. Depending on your decision and needs, we also provide reliable referrals and can help you establish connections with important resources in your community.
We provide gently used supplies, including maternity clothes, clothing for babies and young children, cars seats, We offer classes for prenatal care, breastfeeding, budgeting, and parenting as well as job counseling, resume writing, and interview skill development sessions. During classes, you can earn points that can be redeemed to purchase child care supplies you want, such as new car seats, strollers, and more.

Options Counseling
Care Net Pregnancy Center of Green County guides you in self-administering your pregnancy test discretely and confidentially. Our knowledgeable staff can answer questions about your pregnancy, fetal development, physical and emotional changes associated with pregnancy, as well as STDs and STIs and where you can get tested.
Our options counseling helps women facing an unplanned pregnancy make crucial decisions for their life. You’ll have a personal mentor who will help you consider your choices and attend to your concerns. We understand that regardless of the decisions you make for your pregnancy, an unplanned pregnancy often necessitates some difficult conversations. Whether you need help broaching the subject with your parents, or your partner, we are here to provide a safe space and support.

Free And Confidential Pregnancy Support Services
- Free pregnancy tests
- Ongoing pregnancy support
- Sexual risk avoidance strategies
- Post-abortion counseling program
- Post-adoption assistance
- Support and mentoring
- Maternity clothes
- Baby clothes and supplies
- Education on abortion procedures, sexually transmitted diseases, fetal development, and more
- Educational videos and printed materials
Do you want to keep your baby but don’t have anyone to support you?
Get In Touch
Pregnancy Counseling Center
1118 – 17th Avenue,
Monroe, WI 53566
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
10:00 AM to 4:00 PM or by appointment
Coverage Area
Green County, Lafayette County, Grant County, Southern Dane County, Western Rock County (Illinois Joe Davies, Northern Stephenson County, Northern Winnebago County)