Both offices of the Care Net Pregnancy Center in Monroe are now open. The main office located at 1118 – 17th Avenue is open M, Tu, Th, and F 10:00am to 4:00pm. Our Family Support Services Office located in the Hope Community Center at 2902 – 13th Street is open Tuesday through Thursday noon to 3:00pm.
Care Net provides compassionate, non-judgmental services to women and men facing a pregnancy decision. We offer help, hope, and healing through education and ongoing support.

Am I Pregnant?
Are you worried you might be pregnant? You don’t have to face this possibility alone. CareNet can help you get your answers fast with a free pregnancy test and free pregnancy counseling.

Pregnancy Options
Our counselors will help you review your options and learn how each may impact your life. No matter what you choose, know that you have our complete support!

Support For Young Fathers
We offer confidential coaching sessions to young fathers and understand their challenges. We are here to provide both emotional and material support.

Are You unexpectedly Expecting?
If you are faced with an unplanned pregnancy or struggling as a single young parent, Care Net Pregnancy Center of Green County is here to support you. An unplanned pregnancy can be stressful and challenging. We are your reliable support organization working for people in Monroe, Wisconsin and the surrounding areas since 1988. We honor your confidentiality and the decisions you make and provide support services in a safe, family-like environment.
Young Parents’ Support Center In Monroe, Wisconsin
Come to Care Net Pregnancy Center of Green County for compassionate and confidential pregnancy support services. Our comprehensive care programs promote healthy pregnancy and birth as well as encourage parenting confidence in you and support from your family. Our framework includes both young mothers and fathers, providing them with information and assistance, material or otherwise, and helping them understand their options in a non-judgmental, supportive environment.

We want to help you!
Coverage Area
Green County, Lafayette County, Grant County, Southern Dane County, Western Rock County (Illinois Joe Davies, Northern Stephenson County, Northern Winnebago County)